主癥 面黃肌瘦,形神疲憊,四肢倦怠或厥冷,呼吸微弱,囟門低陷,昏睡露睛,時(shí)有抽搐,因于脾陽(yáng)虛弱者可見(jiàn)大便溏薄,色青帶綠,足跗和面部浮腫,脈象沉遲無(wú)力,舌質(zhì)淡白;因于肝腎陰虧者,還可以見(jiàn)神倦虛煩。面色潮紅,舌光少苔或無(wú)苔,脈沉細(xì)而數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Sallow complexion, emaciation, lassitude, tiredness, sluggish or cold limbs, feeble breath, depressed fentanel, opening of eyes and intermittent contraction of limbs with lethargy. Greenish loose stools. Tarsal and facial edema, deep slow and forceless pulse and pale tongue are due to spleen Yang deficiency. Lassitude, irritability, flushed face, completely or partially uncoated tongue, and deep, thready and rapid pulse are due to Yin deficiency of liver and kidney.醫(yī)學(xué)全.在.線m.gydjdsj.org.cn
治法 取任脈,足陽(yáng)明及背俞穴為主。毫針刺用補(bǔ)法并灸。
Treatment The points of Conception Vessel and Stomach Meridian and Back-(shu) Points are primarily selected. Reinforcing technique and moxibustion are applied.
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處方 中脘 章門 氣海 天樞 足三里 太沖 脾俞 胃俞 肝俞 腎俞
Prescription Zhongwan (CV 12), Zhangmen (LR 13), Qihai (CV 6), Tianshu (ST 25), Zusanli (ST 36), Taichong (BL 21), Pishu(BL 20), Weishu(BL 21), Ganshu (BL 18) and Shenshu (BL 23).