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阿爾茨海默病認知功能量表述評 | |||||
文章來源:醫(yī)學全在線 更新時間:2006-5-29 7:27:30 技能論壇 | |||||
2.療效評價[19,20]:在乙酰膽堿酯酶抑制劑特可林(tacrine)、velnacrine 、毒扁豆堿(physostigmine)、多奈哌齊(donepezil)和rivastigmine治療輕-中度AD的大樣本、多中心、隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照臨床試驗中,療效評價均采用MMSE、ADAS-cog分測驗和臨床晤談總體印象量表。Arrieta等[20]總結1981~1997年公開發(fā)表的49篇特可林治療AD的論文,應用的評定工具為:MMSE 16篇,ADAS 4篇,3MS、CASI、AVLT等均有報道。 六、幾點說明 1. 上述量表對于確定癡呆的病因即鑒別診斷方面作用有限。 2. 從55或60歲開始縱向隨訪認知功能十分重要,尤其是教育程度比較高的老人。 3. 認知評定只能作為AD診斷的輔助工具,臨床診斷必須結合日;顒幽芰α勘、非認知行為問卷、總體嚴重度量表、照料者負擔量表及腦影像學、電生理學、生化學檢查結果,最后確診依賴于隨訪和病理檢查。 4. 軀體狀況不佳、情緒障礙、意識不清、受試者不配合等都可以影響認知檢查結果。 5. 時代在發(fā)展,人口的年齡結構和老人素質處在變化之中,對認知功能的認識也在深化,故評定工具也需要不斷修訂以適應新的要求。由于知識產(chǎn)權等原因,上述大部分測驗沒有引進。我們介紹這些評定方法,供國內同道在量表編制與使用時參考。 參考文獻 2,Stuss DT,Meiran N,Guzman DA,et al. Do long tests yield a more accurate diagnosis of dementia than short tests Arch Neurol, 1996,53:1033-1039. 3,鄭瞻培. 修改后的長谷川簡易智能評定量表. 國外醫(yī)學精神病學分冊,1993,20: 40-41. 4,Royall DR, Cordes JA, Polk M. CLOX: an executive clock drawing task. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1998, 64:588-594. 5,Solomon PR, Hirschoff A, Kelly B, et al. A 7 minute neurocognitive screening battery: highly sensitive to Alzheimer′s disease. Arch Neurol, 1998, 55:349-355. 6,Lezak MD. Neuropsychological assessment.2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.578-581. 7,Rosen WG, Mohs RC, Davis KL. A new rating scale for Alzheimer′s disease. Am J Psychiatry, 1984, 141:1356-1364. 8,Kiernan RJ, Mueller J, Langston JW, et al. The neurobehavioral cognitive status examination: a quantitative approach to cognitive assessment. Ann Intern Med,1987,107:481-485. 9,Osmon DC, Smet IC, Winegarden B,et al. Neurobehavioral cognitive status examination: its use with unilateral stroke patients in a rehabilitation setting. Arch Phs Med Rehabil, 1992,73:414-418. 10,F(xiàn)aust D, Fogel B. The development and initial validation of a sensitive bedside cognitive screening test. J Nerv Ment Dis, 1989, 177:25-31. 11,Glosser G, Wolfe N, Kliner-Krenzel L, et al. Cross-cultural cognitive examination performance in patients with Parkinson′s disease and Alzheimer′s disease. J Nerv Ment Dis, 1994, 182: 432-436. 12,Mate-Kole CC, Major A, Lenzer I, et al. Validation of the quick cognitive screening test. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1994,75:867-875. 13,Delis DC. Neuropsychological assessment of learning and memory. In: Boller F, Grafman J, eds. Handbook of Neuropsychology. vol.3. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), 1989.3-30. 14,Chan AS,Salmon DP,Butters N, et al. Semantic network abnormality predicts rate of cognitive decline in patients with probable Alzheimer′s disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 1995, 1:297-303. 15,Chan AS,Butters N,Salmon DP. The deterioration of semantic networks in patients with Alzheimer′s disease: a cross-sectional study. Neuropsychologia, 1997, 35:241-248. 16,Morris JC,Heyman A,Mohs RC,et al. The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer′s Disease(CERAD). Part I. Clinical and neuropsychological assessment of Alzheimer′s disease. Neurology, 1989,39:1159-1165. 17,Almkvist O. Neuropsychological features of early Alzheimer′s disease: preclinical and clinical stages. Acta Neurol Scand, 1996, 165 Suppl: 63-71. 18,Pasquier F. Early diagnosis of dementia: neuropsychology. J Neurol, 1999,246:5-15. 19,F(xiàn)rancis PT,Palmer AM,Snape M, et al. The cholinergic hypothesis of Alzhemer′s disease: a review of progress. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1999, 66:137-147. 20,Arrieta JL, Artalejo FR. Methodology,results and quality of clinical trials of tacrine in the treatment of Alzheimer disease: a systematic review of the literature. Age Aging, 1998,27:161-179. |
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